Victoria Park Growing

On the 25th May, I planted flax in the third garden space at Victoria Park with the help of volunteers, who supported the maintenance and watering of the plants. 

The flax seeds were planted in the ground, where previously roses had been grown. For this reason, we had to set up a protective net structure around the flax bed, so that it was visible to the public and to prevent any damage to the plants as they grew. 

This space was very different to the other two growing spaces as it is located in a very busy public park. This meant I was able to have conversations with passersby about the project when I went to check on and water the flax.

One interaction I had was with a pub owner who offered me space to grow flax in his pub garden, which is the largest in Portsmouth. Another was with a man who told me his memories of a children's book called ‘How the Mole got his pockets’ which was the story of a mole who grew flax to make trousers, with the help of other creatures. 

A lot of passersby were curious about what was being grown and offered to support the project. In July the protective net structure was vandalised and removed, so the park volunteers kindly made me a decorative willow border.

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Alice Hume