Hotwalls Studios
Hotwalls Application 23rd March 2016
Photograph by Claire Sambrook
Seven years at Hotwalls Studios
At 24 years old I was offered my first studio space at Hotwalls, with no prior experience of running a business, having never sold my work before and having no work to sell. I was made redundant from my job at Monsoon as a retail assistant and received the keys to my studio the next day. Monsoon gifted me their display equipment for me to use in my new studio. I was so excited and honored to have the opportunity to have such an incredible space to start my creative career.
I had a Harris loom and two camping chairs, some yarn left over from my degree and frame looms my dad had made me to run workshops which I had previously ran in Fratton. I didn’t even have a table or a clue what I was doing. The Hotwalls Studios Opening night was the 8th July 2016.
First ever Hotwalls Artist meeting
The first ever Hotwalls Artists were a community of painters, textile artists, paper marbling, screen printing, natural dyes, filmmakers and ceramics. All different ages and abilities coming together. I have made friends for life with these artists with so many collaborations, inspiration and advice.
I wasn’t sure what I wanted my creative business to be, I started running workshops and began weaving. It was so exciting to be surrounded by different artists, next door I had Alex Hagen who did indigo and natural dyeing and James Mouland who did paper marbling.
I finally got a table and chairs from gumtree for £20. I started displaying my work and ran weave workshops.
Hotwalls Artists featured in Portsmouth News 2016
Photograph by Claire Sambrook
Since 2016 I have taught over 2500 people textile workshops in weaving and knotting in my studio, at festivals and for charities, schools and organisations. I have been awarded a platinum student choice award with craft courses with 175 five star reviews.
It’s been such a joy to teach textiles in my studio, I’ve had people from all over the country, so many lovely conversations and bringing strangers together to create is always magical.
I ran workshops outside my studio in the summer
Polaroid by Oana Damir, Hotwalls Studios 2017
Photographs by Alex Fountain
In 2018 I was commissioned to create nine woven wool hangings for allbirds first UK store in Covent Garden, with such a short deadline I had help from my wonderful friend Ami Hyde.
2019 I was awarded my first Arts Council England Grant for my project Interactive weaves, I got to the final 50 for the crafts council Hothouse programme and did a weaving course in Japan.
Photograph by Sophie Twining
Weaving nest billboard November 2020-present in Portsmouth
In 2020 I made 500 macrame activity packs for 20 local Portsmouth charities and 10 hours of online workshops with an Arts Council England Grant.
Photographs by Alex Fountain
2021 I led project Interactive Weaves involving 21 Hotwalls Studios Artists. Seven woven installations were made outside on the parade ground using local waste materials and over 500 members of the public participated.
Over 900 people attended the Interactive Weaves Exhibition in the Round Tower, almost a person a minute.
Film and Photographs by Alex Fountain
2022 I demonstrated weaving at Chelsea Flower Show, did an artist residency at John Hansard Gallery and was awarded a developing your creative practice grant from Arts Council England.
Photograph by Amy Standing
2023 to present
Sky and Earth an Exhibition with Hollie Thornley and Tomas Arreigotta
Growing flax in Portsmouth, From soil to cloth project and upcoming Exhibition 22nd-24th September 2023 in the Round Tower
the last evening at my studio at Hotwalls July 2023, photograph by Karl Bailey
And new studio space The Weaving Turret